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Stress Relief Grooves - Making it Bigger is Not Always a Better Idea

Yes, it is a “blog” and that means I can write about whatever engineering topic that catches my fancy.  Today it is classic mechanics and although we have th

Don’t Stand too Close to that Door (FSI for Load Determination)

Ever walk around a power plant or a hydroelectric dam and feel a little nervous?  You just know that if something goes – it’ll go big.  As consulting FEA and

ITAR - Data Security For All Our Clients

Updated: ITAR Renewed for 2022 - Registration Code: M42408

LS-DYNA Class News – Why Live Classes are the Best
As we all know, life during the pandemic has required some sacrifices, for example the switch from in-person to on-line classes. Over the last 18 months, we have given three on-line LS-DYNA classes, with the last one finishing up on Oct 21st.
Forensic Engineering Analysis - The Legal, The Mechanics and The Reality

Some of our more challenging work has been to create accurate simulations of systems that have gone bad or have broken in service and where the objective is

CFD Virtual Prototyping Clean Air and Free of Nasty Stuff

It seems that the decade of 2020 is going to be focused on clean air, whether it is on the street or inside of a building.  Given what we know about how viru

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